Blu-Ray Pick of the Week: "City Lights" (1931)


The great Charlie Chaplin's City Lights is out on blu-ray now, and if you've never seen any of his films, you're in for quite a treat with this one. Chaplin's the Tramp falls in love with a blind girl in this classic, which is still as delightful and emotional today as it ever was. I know silent cinema can seem like another language in film sensibility, but I would definitely recommend starting with Chaplin if you're new to the form- he's probably your most accessible entry point. The stunts and the physical comedy that he pulls off are still wondrous to behold, as well as the sympathetic connection he can forge with an audience- there's a reason he was once the most famous person on the planet. City Lights is one of my favorite silent films- trust me, it's worth seeing.

Original 1931 Trailer: