Graham Norton with the X-Men Cast

Graham Norton is one of the more hilarious talk show hosts in Britain, mostly because he's figured out a way to break from the tired, decades old format that makes so many of our late night shows feel like exactly the same thing. He has everybody on at once and freewheels through a conversation, which leads to some of the funniest and most spontaneous celebrity interviews (if he's got guests willing to play along). This episode he had some great ones, as James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Hugh Jackman all have an easy rapport and were great sports as they read out the crazily obsessive X-Men fan fiction, before dancing to "Blurred Lines."

I think it's funny they managed to cast the perfect Professor X/Magneto pair twice, first with the terrific Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen (who are such good pals in real life that McKellen acted as minister for Stewart's last wedding) and now with James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, whose chemistry as the two frenemies' younger selves may even top the older guys'.