Blu-Ray Pick of the Week: "Baby It's You" (1983)

For this week's blu-ray choice, I'm recommending a movie you've probably never heard of, as is the case with so many of director John Sayles' movies. His long, varied filmography is filled with gems that are far too underknown and underrated, and this coming of age film about a teenager's first romance is one of them. Starring Rosanna Arquette (the greater of all the Arquettes, in my opinion) as college freshman in the 1960's who falls for a guy she knows is bad news, but can't help herself from wanting to be with him and "fix" him, as many young girls tend to do. It's a sensitive, realistic, touching look at a time in this girl's life that she had to learn from in order to move on and grow stronger, and it really should be seen by more people.

Original 1983 Trailer: