All these posts keep bleeding into each other, don't they? Cate Blanchett has just been announced to star in a biopic about Lucille Ball which will be written by Aaron Sorkin, such a powerful writer in Hollywood now that his next films are simply announced with the stars attached, no need for a director yet with it. But this is kind of exciting, first of all, because I do and will watch anything that Aaron Sorkin writes, and Lucy of all people getting the big screen treatment?! I can't wait. But Cate Blanchett, huh? Not sure if I can see it, even though she's obviously a great actress who's done some good impressions before (Katharine Hepburn in The Aviator, Bob Dylan in I'm Not There).
This is another one like those, a very universally known figure whose image, mannerisms and personality are still out there for anyone to see. You think she's up to the challenge? My pick for Desi Arnaz, by the way, is Oscar Isaac. It has to happen, people- yes, he's younger than Blanchett, but Desi was younger than Lucy by about six years too, so it could work. What do you think?