First of all, there’s no way this is the “epic conclusion,” so that’s a lie right there. Not to a franchise this inexplicably popular still. Second of all, I hate it when people are put back in the same outfits they were wearing the first time we saw them thirty years ago, as though they’ve never stopped wearing those exact same clothes they happened to be wearing on the day they visited Jurassic Park and were attacked by dinos. Really, Ellie Satler is still wearing the tied knot pink overshirt? And Ian Malcom in the same jacket and shaded glasses? Of course Alan Grant with the hat. How convenient and cringeworthy and fan service-y is that? But then, this series has never had a problem with fan service, has it? It’s less embarrassed by embarrassing crap than the Star Wars reboots. I suppose the shamelessness of these in a way makes them more watchable but only in a hate watching way.