- Series: Breaking Bad
- Lead Actor: Jeff Daniels (The Newsroom)
- Lead Actress: Claire Danes (Homeland)
- Supporting Actor: Bobby Cannavale (Boardwalk Empire)
- Supporting Actress: Anna Gunn (Breaking Bad)
- Writing: Homeland
- Directing: House of Cards
- Series: Modern Family
- Lead Actress: Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Veep)
- Lead Actor: Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory)
- Supporting Actress: Merritt Wever (Nurse Jackie)
- Supporting Actor: Tony Hale (Veep)
- Writing: 30 Rock
- Directing: Modern Family
- Series: The Colbert Report
- Writing: The Colbert Report
- Directing: Saturday Night Live
- Choreography: Dancing With the Stars
- Movie or Miniseries: Behind the Candelabra
- Lead Actor: Michael Douglas (Behind the Candelabra)
- Lead Actress: Laura Linney (The Big C: Hereafter)
- Supporting Actor: James Cromwell (American Horror Story: Asylum)
- Supporting Actress: Ellen Burstyn (Political Animals)
- Writing: Abi Morgan (The Hour)
- Directing: Steven Soderbergh (Behind the Candelabra)
- Reality/Competition Program: The Voice