I'm still sad about this, guys. Last night's final send off to America's most trusted comic newsman was everything long time fans could want- a gathering of just about every correspondent in the show's history (including Wyatt Cenac, who showed up even after the recent behind the scenes controversy reveal), and an unprompted and lovely, genuine tribute to a squirming Jon from prodigal son Stephen Colbert himself. Then the man signed off for good, to go back to Jersey and hang with the fam, I guess. But it feels like a real loss, what with the first Republican debate held just last night, which was as batshit crazy as you'd expect. What will we do without him for this next election season? I know there's a guy taking over, but this leaves a gaping hole that won't be filled by just anyone. And even Jon himself acknowledged that he knows he'll never have the set-up and the team that he built here all these years ever again, and let's be honest- whatever he does in the future won't be nearly as influential and as important, as The Daily Show under his reign turned out to be for all these years. I'll miss not just him, but what he created, and the country will sorely miss it too.
Here's Jon's final message: a plea for ongoing vigilance- a prime reason why we'll miss him, and why he was so necessary: