'Succession' Returns in March

Oh boy, spring season is piling up, I can feel it already. The heavy hitter is back, with Season 4 of Succession returning on March 26th. This time the kids are united, but for how long? I’ve noticed Succession likes to break things up and then put them back together again, so that Logan Roy never really loses no matter what. I enjoy seeing my fave and Emmy winner Matthew McFadyen killing it again from this trailer alone.

Mando and Grogu Are Back in Season 3 of 'The Mandalorian'

It’s been a good long while since the last season of this show, hasn’t it? I don’t know about anybody else but I never watched the Boba Fett show, so I hope there’s going to be some kind of recap of how these two were reunited. Not quite fair to expect viewers of one show to watch all the other SW universe shows to see what happens to the MAIN characters on one of them.

'Perry Mason' Returns on March 6th

If anyone remembers this show. Sometimes I think I was the only one that liked it, even with its flaws (hopefully those will be smoothed out in a second season). I still love Matthew Rhys and am looking forward to seeing how this show is with its new showrunners Jack Amiel and Michael Begler (who were in charge of The Knick, which was one of my favorite shows at one point).

'The Crown' Season 5 Finally Gets a Trailer

And here it is! As timely as it could possibly be, releasing in the wake of the Queen’s death, Charles’s ascension and the chaos in the UK. Time for some glorious Diana in the 90’s mess. Actually Elizabeth Debicki looks like a far more understated Diana than I was expecting, but Imelda Staunton makes quite an impression here as the Queen, and Olivia Williams looks much more like Camilla than I would have thought possible. Dominic West is still severely miscast- can’t see Charles in this guy at all. Safe to say he won’t be repeating Josh O’Connor’s Emmy win. But I can’t wait for all of it! The season drops at midnight on Nov. 9th.